
***English text below. Remove this message when translating, otherwise the page may be overwritten:***



Speech Duration

The Social Awareness Speech Contest aims to find people capable of inspiring and galvanizing support for acting on the problems that our world is facing.

Speeches entering the Social Awareness Speech Contest must have a maximum duration of 7 minutes.

The speech topic must be a problem that people are facing, and how to act on it.

Speeches on other subjects or that verse on imaginary “problems” (e.g., we want NASA to come clean on the moon landing hoax) or have a pseudo-scientific basis will be disqualified.

Scoring of Speeches

Judges will score speeches according to the following criteria:

  • Social Accuracy (0 to 10) - Will consider how real and accurate the problem described was.
  • Usage of language  (0 to 10) - Will consider the richness, expressiveness, and vividness of the language used. The ability of the speaker to project images into the audiences’ minds.
  • Use of props or visual aids (0 to 10) - Will consider how effective visual aids or props were for amplifying the message in the speech.
  • Narration quality (0 to 10) - Will consider vocal variety, body language, pauses, and other narration characteristics.
  • Emotional content (0 to 10) - Will consider the speaker's ability to convey and elicit emotions in the audience.
  • Social Message (0 to 10)- Will consider the depth of the speech's core message.
  • Persuasiveness (0 to 10) - Will consider how persuasive the speaker was and their capacity to move people to action.
  • Actionability (0 to 10) - Will consider whether the speech contained actionable proposals, their viability, and how the audience reacted to them.
  • Action Originality (0 to 10) - Will consider the originality of the actions proposed.

For each speech, the average of the above scores will be computed, and that will be the final score assigned to that contestant.

NOTE:   The use of props or visual aids is optional., If a participant did not use any props or visual aids, that category would be excluded when computing the averages.


The winner of any level except the World Final will have the title of “Best Social Awareness Speaker of (region)”


Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Wednesday April 14, 2021 17:06:29 CEST by agora.