
***English text below. Remove this message when translating, otherwise the page may be overwritten:***

Welcome to the third edition of the Agora Guide - the book that explains everything about the Agora Speakers International Foundation: who we are, what we do,  how you can participate in our clubs, and even how to create and run a new one. This book remains focused on the operational aspect of clubs. The Educational Paths themselves will be the subject of different books.

A lot has changed since the last edition, almost 3 years ago. We've learned from our experience (and from our mistakes!), and we've greatly expanded every single part of the documentation with more details, more tips, more advice while at the same time simplifying many of the requirements and procedures. Simultaneously, we've kept adding more educational activities and improving the existing ones to ensure that meetings are never boring while retaining their educational focus.

This book condenses and organizes all the club-related wiki information ( wiki.agoraspeakers.org ) in a single place. It is also more professionally designed and can be either downloaded as a free ebook by our members or purchased through Amazon for those that want a more professional finish.  The wiki, however, will always remain the most up-to-date source of all Agora information for the foreseeable future, as well as the source of truth in case of conflict with any printed or downloaded editions, so please refer to it for the latest news and changes. The latest version of this Guide in its various languages can always be downloaded from https://wiki.agoraspeakers.org/ebooks.

As always, we welcome all feedback, suggestions, criticisms, ideas, and especially your stories - share with us your club anecdotes, your successes, what you've learned in Agora and how it has helped you. Maybe in the next guide, your picture will be present in one of the chapters.

Feel free to drop us a note at info@agoraspeakers.org or on any of our social network channels (see the "How to Contact Us" section)

Aug 21, 2021, will mark Agora's 5th birthday. We've come a long way since the Agora dream was started in 2016 with a single humble club in Madrid. That single club was later joined by one in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland), then another one in Visakhapatnam (India), then Kathmandu  (Nepal)... The list kept growing and growing as we kept coloring the world map in Agora's colors, each club adding their own personality and richness to the pot. In this book, we've tried to reflect that using pictures exclusively from actual, real Agora meetings - no actors, no staged shots, no photoshop. This guide represents Agora exactly the way we are in all our genuineness and diversity.

One of the main drivers of Agora's efforts and strategy has been the belief that everyone has the seeds for becoming a great leader and a force for good in the world. These seeds only need to grow in the right environment, receive the right training, establish the right relationships and be provided with the right tools to flourish. And that's exactly where Agora comes in: a strong, healthy, tolerant, supportive, and friendly community that fosters mutual understanding, joint learning, and personal and professional growth.

For this reason, this guide marks another milestone:  It will be the first time all Agora materials are available in 30 languages. From English to Korean, from Thai to Swahili, from German to Tamil, from Hindi to Portuguese, to reach out to all the corners of the world where people can benefit from what we offer.

Plenty of changes are on the horizon.  We will continue expanding our educational offering and provide even more services to members while at the same time remaining true to our goal of training the leader inside each person. Join us in this exciting journey, and let's make history together.


Alexander Hristov

Founder, Agora Speakers International


Dust Jacket


"Agora empowers you to become a brilliant communicator and a confident leader who will actively build a better world."

With this ambitious mission statement, the Agora Speakers International Foundation was born on Aug 21, 2016. Our core belief is that there's the seed of a true leader and a force for good in every person, and it only requires the right environment and tools to grow and flourish. Guided by our set of Core Principles - Neutrality, Non-Discrimination, Non-Profit, Tolerance, and Intellectual Honesty, we provide our members with the necessary training to pursue their personal and professional dreams, and in the process, make a lasting change in their communities.

Driven by hundreds of passionate volunteers, Agora spread to over 70 countries and thousands of members in a very short time span of a few years.  A true charity, Agora offers a totally free educational program in all the soft skills critical for success, and a large international network of clubs where our members meet, practice, and learn together in a friendly and supportive environment. During their journey, our members participate in and lead real-world projects that leave a lasting effect on their communities.

This third edition of "The Agora Guide" contains everything about the Agora Speakers International Foundation: who we are, what we do,  how you can participate in our clubs, and even how to create a new how to create and run a new one.


Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Sunday January 23, 2022 12:19:59 CET by agora.