
***English text below. Remove this message when translating, otherwise the page may be overwritten:***



Speech Duration

The Educational Speech Contest has the goal of finding excellent science communicators who can enlighten, inspire, and teach people.

Speeches entering the Educational Speech Contest must have a maximum duration of 10 minutes.

Speech Topics

The Educational Speech Contest's speech topics must be on topics from the formal, natural or social sciences.

The speech content should be aligned with the agreed state of science as understood by the community of active scientific researchers publishing in recognized peer-reviewed journals.

Contestants that present speeches versing on pseudo-scientific topics or topics other than the above will be disqualified.

Selection of Judges

For contests at the Country and above levels, judges will be non-Agora members from the following professions:

  • Media professionals - presenters, show hosts, actors, producers,  etc., from the TV, radio, press, or movie industries.
  • School or university professors.
  • Journalists
  • Executives of middle and large companies.
  • Speakers from the professional (for-pay) public speaking circuits.
  • Speakers from other public speaking events such as TEDx., Munk Debates, etc.

Scoring of Speeches

Judges will score speeches according to the following criteria:

  • Clarity and Focus (0 to 10) - Will consider whether the speech had a clear, single educational goal
  • Use of props or visual aids (0 to 10) - Will consider the props' appropriateness and originality / visual aids used.
  • Scientific accuracy (0 to 10) - Will consider how close the speech was to the current scientific understanding of the subject that was being presented.
  • Adequacy for the general public (0 to 10) - Will consider how understandable the speech is for the general (layman) population.
  • General quality and interest of the speech (0 to 10) - Will consider how entertaining the speech was, whether it was able to capture and hold the listeners' attention.

For each speech, the average of the above scores will be computed, and that will be the final score assigned to that contestant.


The winner of any level except the World Final will have the title of “Best Educational Speaker of (region)”


Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Wednesday April 14, 2021 17:06:27 CEST by agora.