
Cấu trúc bài nói

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Plugin execution pending approval

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Project Outline

  • This is a two-part project, to be done in two meetings (not necessarily consecutive)
    • For the first part, you need to do a Speech Analysis of a selected speech for structure.
    • For the second part, you need to prepare and deliver a speech that has a clear opening, body and conclusion.
  • The opening and the conclusion must be clearly distinguishable from the body and the speech should flow smoothly from one to another, using transitions.
  • Roughly speaking, the opening and the conclusion should take no more than 20% of the whole speech.
  • The opening should be strong, capture the attention of the audience and immediately address the question "What will I get from your speech?"
  • The body should also be structured into a set of sub points - up to a maximum of five, that follow one of the basic orderings:
    • Chronological ordering (sub points are ordered chronologically and follow a time pattern)
    • Spatial ordering (sub points are ordered spatially and proceed in a particular direction - along a path ortop to bottom / bottom to top )
    • Causal ordering (sub points are ordered in pairs in such a way that they show a cause - effect relationship)
    • Faceted or Topical ordering (sub points address different and independent aspects of the issue)
    • Problem/Solution ordering (sub points are ordered in pairs in such a way that each pair shows a problem and a solution to that problem)
  • The closing should be strong, summarize the main pointsof the speech and conclude with a specific "call to action" or last key message or thought as a take-away.

Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

Plugin execution pending approval

This plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible.

Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday November 23, 2021 16:35:22 CET by agora.