
Làm chủ sân khấu

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Project Outline

In this project you need to prepare and deliver a speech in a way that creates a powerful stage presence.

Stage presence is a nebulous concept sometimes called "magnetism", "charisma", "personality", "being a star", and it transmits a very powerful and authoritative image of the speaker, yet at the same time open, friendly and welcoming.

Stage presence is achieved by a combination of techniques examined in the previous projects:


  • Dressing a bit more formally than the audience
  • Creating a powerful first impression even before you start speaking, by making a confident and determined entry onto the stage.
  • Keeping a straight posture throughout the whole speech and a balanced weight distribution
  • Using strong body language gestures performed smoothly.
  • Projecting confidence, but again - stopping short of being arrogant
  • Moving on the stage with determined (but smooth, not jerky) and purposeful movements.

Speech Delivery

  • Using the vocal variety techniques examined in the previous projects, and especially through the use of pauses and silences
  • Being enthusiastic about the subject
  • Speaking with conviction.
  • Using your own unique and natural style without trying to imitate someone else's
  • Delivering the speech smoothly, without hesitations or doubts.
  • Handling any unexpected events swiftly.


Audience Engagement

  • Establishing a strong rapport with the audience by use of references to topics close to them, humor, empathy, references to similarities or common ground, etc.
  • Avoid offensive topics or humor at all costs.This includes humor based on stereotypes.
  • Establishing a strong eye contact with the audience, but stopping short of being aggressive.

Some of these might seem contradictory, for example if you usually have a very soft style and closed or limited body language or facial expressiveness, then "using your own natural style" and "using strong body language" would appear to be pulling you in opposite directions. In these cases, the saying "fake it till you make it" applies. You should concentrate on practicing those particular aspects of stage presence that you feel that you lack until they become second nature to you.

The speech should use all the techniques of stage presence, but should not be about stage presence nor about public speaking.


Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

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Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday May 11, 2021 06:26:23 CEST by agora.