
Ngôn ngữ cơ thể

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Project Outline

  • This is a two-part project, to be done in two meetings (not necessarily consecutive)
    • For the first part, you need to do a Speech Analysis of a selected speech for body language use and its effectiveness.
    • For the second part, you need to prepare and deliver a speech that has a significant component of body language elements.
  • The speech should include at least:
    • Extensive use hand and arm gestures
    • At least one or two purposeful movements on the stage
  • Try to stay in the golden middle - neither no body language at all, nor going over the top and doing a theatre show on the stage. Body language has a supportive role, not a main role. If all that the audience can remember from your speech is your body language, then you've failed : the main goal is still getting your message across.
  • The speech should use body language but should not be about body language nor about public speaking.
  • The speaker should not use notes.
  • If there's a lectern or podium, the speaker may not stand behind it.

Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

Plugin execution pending approval

This plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible.


Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday November 23, 2021 16:35:22 CET by agora.