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Project Outline

The goal of this project is:

  • To prepare and deliver an informative speech on a subject of your interest
  • To prepare appropriate handouts for your audience
  • Finally, to handle a short Q&A session.

You may use visual aids either in the form of props or in the form of presentation software (however, make sure to stay within the recommended limits of the presentation software project in terms of number of slides and their composition).

The speech should have supporting material in the form of, for example,:

  • Research papers
  • Statistics
  • Graphic evidence in form of photographs or videos.
  • Experiments and demonstrations
  • Polls and quotes

The kind of evidence or supporting material you use will depend on the area of your subject of interest. For example, polls and quotes are appropriate for humanitarian sciences and areas like politics, but are completely inappropriate for empirical sciences such as physics, biology or chemistry.

Make sure to verify all the information by tracking the original source.


The handouts should contain the presentation that you are going to use (if any) and the evidence you will be providing. They should not contain the text of your speech, and should be supporting and not primary material.

The handouts should be distributed before the meeting has started, by placing them on the chairs or tables where the members are going to sit. Always have a collaborator with a handful of spare handouts sitting by the door, to give them to latecomers.

For the Q&A session, you need to:

  • Control the length of the questions and do not allow questioners to ramble or make speeches.
  • Answer the questions quickly and concisely.
  • Keep the discussion on topic and avoid getting into dragged into one-on-one debates or discussions.
  • Always have one or two collaborators in the audience with a couple of questions ready. The questions should be prepared and written by the collaborators, not by you, and ideally you should not know them beforehand. These collaborators should intervene if
    • At the beginning of the session, if after you ask if there are any questions, there are none for 5-10 seconds.
    • In the middle of the session, if questions die out.


Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

Plugin execution pending approval

This plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible.

Note: Please always check with the official Agora Speakers International Wiki for the latest versions of the educational projects.

Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday May 11, 2021 06:26:21 CEST by agora.