
Sử dụng cảm xúc

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Project Outline

This is a two-part project, to be done in two meetings (not necessarily consecutive)

  • For the first part, you need to do a Speech Analysis of a selected speech for use of and appeal to emotion and its effectiveness.
  • For the second part, you need to prepare and deliver a speech that has elicits at least three different kinds of emotions in the audience from the set of six primary human emotions: anger, disgust, fear,happiness, sadness and surprise. The speech should use those emotions either to inspire the members of the audience or to move them to action in a positive endeavor.

Emotions can be elicited in two ways:

  • By  presenting a content that elicits the specific emotion. For example, a picture of a party where everyone is laughing will elicit a positive response in the audience. You can use not only pictures, but also objects that have attached emotional meanings to the audience.
  • By experiencing (exemplifying) the emotion you want to elicit in yourself, and letting your body language transmit it to the audience.

Unless you're an exceptional actor, the emotions that you try to convey to your audience must be your own, real emotions. No matter how well your words will try to fake it, your body language will give off cues that are beyond your control that will betray your real state of mind. People are usually very apt at reading those signals on a subconscious level.

To convey an emotion, just do the same thing you'd normally do (in terms of body language, gestures, vocal characteristics, etc.), but amplifying it. The bigger the audience, the bigger should be the amplification or exaggeration..

Achieving pathos or emotion in your speeches is usually done through stories or anecdotes, paying special attention to the following factors while narrating them:

  • Using the right words and visual language to enhance the environment in sync with the emotion (for example, sadness usually is associated to dark and gloomy places, whereas happiness is associated with light and bright colors).
  • Using your vocal variety, especially in terms of volume ( loud volume for some emotions like happiness or anger, lower volume for sadness )
  • Using the right body language, especially facial expressions.

Emotions work best when used in contrast with each other. If you have a section of your speech that is positive and radiates happiness, an immediately following sad story will have a much stronger effect.

You should strive to end up  in a positive and hopeful note. Don't leave your audience in a dark place.

Don't carry on the same emotion for a long time, as it wears out. People become desensitized after a long exposure to an emotion.

The speech should have all the characteristics of the previous projects.  Emotions should have a supporting and not primary role - the main goal is still getting your message across.

Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

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Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday November 23, 2021 16:35:24 CET by agora.