
Sử dụng hài hước

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Project Outline

This is a two-part project, to be done in two meetings (not necessarily consecutive)

  • For the first part, you need to do a Speech Analysis of a selected speech for use of humor and its effectiveness. You should especially concentrate in analyzing the types of humor used.
  • For the second part, you need to prepare and deliver a speech that has a significant component of humorous elements.

The delivered speech should have at least three humorous elements, each taken from one of the following groups:

  • Self-deprecating humor
  • Exaggerations / Hyperboles or Understatements
  • Sarcasm
  • Satire

When people laugh at your humor, remember to give them enough space and time to laugh. Don't rush the continuation.

If a joke doesn't go well, don't laugh at it, and -even worse - don't repeat it or try to explain it or make the audience "get it". Just continue normally, as if what you said wasn't intended to be a joke anyway.

The speech should use all techniques of humor, but should not be about humor nor about public speaking.

The speech should have all the characteristics of the previous projects.  Humor should have a supporting and not primary role. If all that the audience can remember from your speech are your jokes or puns, then you've failed : the main goal is still getting your message across.

Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


External Resources

  • ...

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Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday November 23, 2021 16:35:23 CET by agora.