
Thông điệp bài nói

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Plugin execution pending approval

This plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible.


Project Outline

  • The goal of this project is to prepare and deliver a speech of one of the four main types :  informative, persuasive, entertaining (or special  occasion) and technical / demonstrative.
  • The speech should have one key or central message that should act as a take-away, and the rest of the speech should be built in support of that central message, with a "general purpose" acting as a connecting thread throughout the whole speech. The core message should be supported by two or three points of roughly equal importance and time.
  • The opening of the speech should address the audience's question "What is in for me?" "Why should I listen to you?" in the first minute, preferably first 30 seconds.
  • The closing should act as a wrap up, summarizing the main points and reinforcing the core message.
  • If there's a lectern or podium, this is the last speech that can be done behind it.

Project Description

(In Progress)

Tips and Hints


Plugin execution pending approval

This plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible.


Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Tuesday May 11, 2021 06:26:18 CEST by agora.