
World Speech Day



World Speech Day


Agora Speakers International is happy to participate every year in the World Speech Day initiative founded by Simon Gibson. This is a public speaking event around the globe that always takes place on March 15th and provides an "open mic" forum so that all voices can be heard.

World Speech Day started with a simple idea: speeches change the world; socially, politically, in the arts, business, and religion. They play a profound role in holding our societies together and shaping change. Then why not create a day to celebrate speeches and speechmaking through live public speaking events around the world, reaching out to #unexpectedvouces everywhere?

In 2019 more than 100 nations across the globe have been involved in WSD.

Schools, universities, speakers' clubs, think tanks, community groups, companies, NGOs - all holding meetings in classrooms, auditoria, community halls, even cafes. Proving the unique power of speeches to explore new ideas.

The format of every year's participation varies. Please contact simon at worldspeechday.com for the full details.

2021 Participation




Contributors to this page: agora .
Page last modified on Sunday March 7, 2021 22:21:24 CET by agora.